Saturday, September 25, 2010

You Can’t See Damage? ... Pay Me Anyway

Remember the BP Oil Spill?

You just said to yourself, “What oil spill?” Yes, I know you are into your Current Crisis Mode. We all are. We are all fretting about issues that affect us in the here and now. Things like, Why the Heck Will the Japanese Not Allow Poor Paris Hilton Into Japan?

Oh, my gosh! Did I just use the word “poor” as an adjective that modifies Paris Hilton? I am worse off than I thought. We all know that there is a federal law against using the word “poor” in the same paragraph with Paris Hilton.

Back to the Oil Spill that you can’t remember...
I read recently where there is resort on Florida’s west coast that is asking for $1,000,000 in compensation from the $20,000,000,000 BP Compensation Fund claiming lost profits.

Now this may not strike you as worthy of a Foolishness...Or Is It? but let me give you the Rest of the Story... Not a single drop of oil washed ashore at the resort.

I feel through my foolishness sensors that I just failed to make an impression on you with this one but allow me to give you the Rest of the Rest of the Story... The tourist board in the county where the resort is located has reported that more tourists visited the county in the two months after the BP Oil Spill than in the same period last year.

I would be willing to bet, if I were willing to bet, that the resort owners will get their requested money because of the use of the tried and true legal term “but”. I can just hear it now, “Your honor, I know the facts are all against my client and my client’s case does not have a leg to stand on, but...”.

Would I kid u?

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