Wednesday, June 09, 2010

People Who Use Words For A Living Ought To Understand The Meaning Of Words

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Some detractor or admirers (I’m not sure which) are referring to this book as, “The Perfect Bathroom Book”.
Want to see what's inside my book before you buy?
Click on the book to the left.
Once to the Amazon site, click on, "Click to LOOK INSIDE!"
Say to yourself, "Golly gee, that is really funny!"
Then add it to your cart and buy it before Amazon runs out.
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My local newspaper had an article this morning about an attack on a bunch of trucks in Afghanistan. You have seen almost daily articles about such activities in the Middle East for years. You will see articles about such activities in the Middle East for years for years to come. Why am I bringing this up? I can’t help myself. I’m a noticer. I notice things. It’s a curse…or is it?

Allow me to explain what I noticed this time…
 Trucks carrying military vehicles for foreign forces were attacked in the early morning hours.
 Six people were killed.
 Seven people were wounded.

Now it is time for one of the Smartfella? Famous Multiple Choice Pop Quizzes...
1. The attackers were Boy Scouts from West Virginia.
2. The attackers were really nice guys who have gotten confused about the meaning of life.
3. The attackers were militants.

Did you select #3? Being as sly, cunning and alert as I know you to be because you read my Foolishness…Or Is It? silliness, I am certain you picked #3.

Here is the word I noticed but, up to this point in my Foolishness, I have failed to tell you about. The missing word is “suspected”. Yes my newspaper called these bad guys “suspected militants”.

What is there to be suspicious about? They attacked. They killed. They wounded. THEY ARE MILITANTS! End of discussion. End of hair splitting. They are what they are. Call them what they are…militants.

Oh well. I am calming back down. I am looking for the lighter side of this article. Here it is…
It is better than the article I read about the home invasion where the homeowner was killed by bad guys who broke in his front door, beat him up, took his worldly goods and shot him dead. That article referred to the definitely dead homeowner as an “alleged victim”.

There you go again thinking I made this one up. As long as the world around me is as silly as it is, there is no need for me to make up Foolishness.

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

So what do you expect from alleged journalists?

Anonymous said...

Great article!!! keep it going!