Tuesday, January 05, 2010

What Did I Tell Ya!

This is actually a very short Foolishness…Or Is It? (unless you get into reading the one below that I posted on November 3, 2008).

Here is today’s posting…
Our governing bodies (should that be ruling bodies?) in the Good Ole USofA are out of control. According to ABC News, on January 1, 2010 the folks back home (that’s us) were confronted by 40,000 new laws. My November ’08 posting was right on except it was right off because I woefully understated the problem.

I guessed that each year we are confronted with 1,000 new laws. Now I find out that, if this year is atypical, the total number of new laws created by all our various governing bodies is 40,000 each year.

Just in case you do not read my earlier posting below I am going to give you the bottom line right here on top…
“I am coming around to the point of thinking where the incumbent who can verifiably proclaim in his campaign slogan, "I Did Not Do Anything Since You Sent Me To Congress", is the kind of Do-Nothing that will get my vote in the future.”

Would I kid u again?
There Ought To Be A Federal Law Against Federal Laws
Is it possible to keep track of all the Federal Laws?
November 03, 2008 05:05 PM

When members of our 9% Approval Rating Congress run for re-election they always tout in their "accomplishments" all the laws they proposed, sponsored and/or co-signed. They seem very proud when offering these facts up as undeniable evidence that they are deserving of the Public Trust (whatever that is).

The whole process is a mess…
  • Members of Congress spend gobs of money traveling to places like France and China in order to gather facts about legislation they propose upon their return. The problem is their legislation has nothing to do with France or China.
  • Once a law is passed, it has to be enforced. This requires more bureaucrats. (Bureaucrats … that can certainly be the subject of another Foolishness, Or Is It?)
  • Once a law is passed, it has to be kept track of, recorded and disseminated to the folks back home. How in the hell can they keep track of, record and disseminate to the folks back home 1,000 new laws passed every year?
  • If we were lucky, no one would know of and/or bother with the 1,000 new laws, once passed.

I think that we ought to be smart enough, at this point in our storied history, where we could have legislation in place that would require that two laws must be repealed for each new law passed. If this were to come to pass, in a hundred years or so, we ought to be down to a manageable 10,000 laws (give or take a few). That just might be a workable number.

I am coming around to the point of thinking where the incumbent who can verifiably proclaim in his campaign slogan, "I Did Not Do Anything Since You Sent Me To Congress", is the kind of Do-Nothing that will get my vote in the future.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your idea of deleting laws;/ may all laws should have a sunset date - no more than three presidential terms??