Saturday, January 23, 2010

Making More Poor People

If you were of a mind to think that we ought to have more poverty stricken people in America, and you had the power to make it happen, here is how you could accomplish your objective … quickly.

You would have to wave your Magic Wand and require that politicians at all levels of governance have their pay plans changed over from the present Goes Up Every Year Without A Vote Plan to a Pay For Performance Plan …. If they do not produce positive results, they get no money!

You would have to have a Magic Wand because you can bet our rulers would never pass such a law.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Bill said...

Your 'what if' supposition is unstable and unsustainable. Why would anyone in their right mind think that we should have more poverty-stricken people in America? The premise/moot question is unrealistic and without reason. A somewhat more sensical question might be,- why don't we the people extend our lives by obeying all traffic rules and regulations 100%?