Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Huntley & Brinkley Are Dead

I'm at the gym again. As I struggle to keep on keeping on, I watch TV. I got to wondering how the children of those men who would have had jobs on all the daytime news commentary shows are surviving now that their fathers do not have jobs. In the old days, when Huntley & Brinkley ruled, all these Talking Heads would have been male. Today these missing males are not just on the endangered species list, they are extinct!

I saw a panel of talking heads solving the world's problems and NOT ONE of the five was a man. They were all better looking than Huntley and Brinkley but I am worried about The Children of the Extinct Males Who Ain't There No More.

Regarding working out at the gym ... Keeping healthy is enough to kill you.

Would I kid u?

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