Saturday, February 02, 2008

My Fondest Wish

There is no way to unite a country as large as the USofA but my fondest wish would be that all of us refuse to answer any questions from any political pollster about anything political. This would drive the politicians absolutely nuts. Think of the positive results that would come out of an I-Ain't-Gonna-Tell-You-Anything America....

  • It would prevent politicians from tweaking their latest campaign pitch to address how the public reacted to their prior campaign pitch.
  • It would drive the politicians absolutely nuts.
  • They would be forced to tell us what they really plan to do when elected, instead of telling us what they think we want them to do when elected.
  • They would be forced to think out their positions and stick with them and hope for the best.
  • It would drive the politicians absolutely nuts.
  • It would put every polling company out of business. Since they are only interested in what's best for America (yea, right), they would then be free to join the Peace Corps (if such a thing still exists).

One final tirade...
The silliest one is when we are told the results of a poll done by a Democratic or a Republican Pollster. It is strange how the "results" always come out favoring their party's positions. I guess I could be made to believe that the poll did come out in favor of their party's positions but, you will never get me to believe, that any poll that did not favor their party's positions was just not published at all. It's sort of like them saying, "We are going to keep polling the American People until the American People get it right".

Would I kid u?

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