Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Is It Necessary To Tear Down Others In Order To Boost Up Those You Want To Boost Up?

Here I go stumbling into places where I should not stumble.


Those who want to promote The Cause of All Things Woman seem to feel they have to denigrate the Image of All Things Men in order to have women seen as they want women to be seen.


There once was a Television Show called Father Knows Best. The family in the show seemed happy enough...Or were they?


That show could never be aired today because, even if the show content was allowed, the Title Itself would not be allowed.


Today TV Commercials are used to put Men and Fathers into their proper modern place whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not...

Ø Red Cross TV Ad...A house is burning down and a Mother and 2 Children are standing in the street watching it burn down and they are all crying. There is no Father there with them.
Think About It...Why is not a Father allowed to be crying right along with the rest of the Family?

Ø Planning For the Future TV Ad...The Financial Planning Company Salesman is consulting with a Woman who has worked hard all her life but is worried about having enough for her retirement.
Think About It...Why does the Financial Planning Company’s Advertising Department not think it is necessary to have a Husband sitting next to his hard working Wife?

Ø Laundry Product TV Ad...There is a little girl in a princess dress running around and a Father is talking about doing the little girl’s laundry properly. There is no Wife in this commercial.
Think About It...Doing the laundry is an important and necessary thing that needs to be done. Why can’t the Husband and Wife at least be seen holding hands while they do this important and necessary chore?

Ø Diaper Product TV Ad...A Husband is Changing a Baby’s Diaper. There is no Wife in the commercial.
Think About It...Why is there not a Wife in this commercial? Is Changing a Baby’s Diaper now seen as demeaning? Sure seems to be important work to me.

Ø A TV Ad (I don’t remember what is being sold)...A Husband is walking the floor late at night while holding a sleeping baby. There is no Wife in this commercial.
Think About It...Why is there not a Wife in this commercial? Is walking the floor with a sleeping baby now also seen as demeaning? Sure seems to be important work to me.

Ø Another TV Ad (I don’t remember what is being sold)...A Father is making Daughter’s breakfast. The Father then drives his Daughter to school. Later the Mother calls on Face Time. She is in Military Uniform. Mom is in The Army!
Think About It...Is this progress?

Ø An Automobile Company TV Ad...A Mother and her Daughter go into the woods and cut down their own Family Christmas Tree. The Mother puts it on top of their Family Car. The Mother ties it down. They drive away happily.
Think About It...Why is there no place in this Family Commercial for a Husband?

Ø A Jewelry Store TV Ad...A woman presents a Engagement Ring to a man and proposes marriage to him.
Think About It...Aw Come On! Is this considered progress? Maybe it is simply cute. There are times I really hate cute.  

Ø A Big Box Hardware Store TV Ad...A woman goes to a big Box Hardware Store and buys all different kinds of Tools. The salesman is not a salesman but is a saleswoman.
Think About It...Are there any men left out there in Advertising Land?

Ø A Gigantic Front-Age Picture in My Newspaper...The picture shows soldiers in Afghanistan eating Thanksgiving Dinner. The 2 happy soldiers walking away from the buffet line with their plates of food are both Women.
Think About It...I’m all out of thoughts. Sad smile


I know. I know. I should not have addressed this Elephant in America’s Living Room. I know I should have continued to talk about Foolishness. On second thought maybe I have been talking about Foolishness. Did you not recognize it?


Would I kid u?
