Sunday, September 02, 2018

I Admit I Am Guilty Of Blackmail But Blackmail Did Make Me A Lot Of Money, So It Is Justified Blackmail

Super Beets is vying with GEICO for most TV Commercials. Some of its claims are:

Ø Boosts circulation in the body.

Ø Helps to improve stamina.

Ø Helps to improve energy levels.


I made my big bunch of Blackmail Money by walking into Super Beets Super Headquarters and threatening to tell the world that Actual Beets That Grow In The Ground Have Been Invented.


The look on their faces was priceless!


It was not priceless because it cost them a lot of Blackmail Money.


I may be branching out with this Blackmailing Idea. I see where my local Big Box Warehouse Selling Place is selling Feeding Pouches of...

Ø Apple& Broccoli.

Ø Peach, Banana & Apricot.


Do you get my drift? That’s right. I going to threaten to tell the world that Apples, Broccoli, Peaches, Bananas and Apricots are already on the market in Non-Pouch Form.


I am going to hold off till next year because I don’t want to get in too high an Income Tax Bracket for this year.


Would I kid u?
