Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Days Of The U.S. Postal Service Are Coming To An End If...

Based on the never ending volume of mail received at my house all year every week it is my considered opinion that the only thing keeping the U.S. Postal Service alive is Publishers Clearing House.

If Publishers Clearing House goes out of business the U.S. Postal Service will be gone within a week.

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Well here in BR the election Junk mail will keep it going if Publishers Clearing house slows down. Since it looks like our Senate race and my congressional race will have runoffs that will buy additional time.

Anonymous said...

The U S post office is doomed. All my legal work is done via email or fax. When I ship packages, there are a hundred Latinos in line and the Post Office does their wrapping, etc. plus it takes a hour to explain to them the different charges , etc. They even address the packages for them, and help them fill out the forms, while others wait. No post office worker does a fast job. Its like they are paid by the hour, which they are. Not efficient