Thursday, August 28, 2014

It’s Your Turn To Do The Research

I’ve decided that I am too good to you and it is now your turn to start pulling your own weight. This all means I am not going to do a lot of research to gather examples to prove my point in this blog posting.

Did I just hear you ask yourself, “What the heck is he talking about?” As politicians say in news conferences, “That’s an excellent question”. The difference between them and me is I mean it and they don’t.

My stated position that starts your research is...

Politicians Lie

Here is when you get the chance to do the research and here is how you go about it. Find a candidate running for office who currently holds another office (i.e.: Congressman running for Senator)...

  • Look at his past voting record in his current office.
  • Compare what he says he was going to do if elected to his new position.
  • Look at what he actually does after he gets into his new office.

Here is what’s going to be the outcome of the research I did not do but you did do...

  • His past voting record in his old office is who he really is because he knows we are not paying attention.
  • What he says he is going to do if elected to the new office he is running for is the result of what his Research Team tells him you want him to say he would do if elected to his new office.
  • What he does after he is elected to his new office is who he really is because he knows we are not paying attention.

Politicians Lie

Solution... We ought to start paying attention.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too busy to research and am trying fill out the forms to get a TSA job.