Thursday, August 22, 2024

Did Anyone Ever Say That What You See On The Internet Is Not Always The Truth? If Not, Someone Should Have!


I stumbled across this on the Internet:

The beginning of the article...

“The Federal Communications Commission has fined Lingo Telecom $1 million for transmitting robocalls impersonating President Joe Biden earlier this year, where an AI replica of Biden's voice was used to trick and persuade voters in the New Hampshire primary election not to go to the polls.”

The end of the article...

“Russian bot farms posting replies to political figures have continued to spam across X, The Wall Street Journal reports, finding that the issue has been a problem since at least 2022 when Elon Musk bought the social media platform. Facebook and Instagram have also found bot networks spreading political propaganda on their platforms, and removed over 2,000 accounts earlier this year tied to Israel, Iran, and China, to name a few.”

Did you see the Tip Of The Iceberg? I underlined it for you...removed over 2,000 accounts. If the Tip is “over 2000”, can we even imagine how big the Iceberg is?

Fella has this to say about that...There are a lot of numbers higher than 2,000.

If you wanna read the whole article click here: FCC Slaps Telecom Firm With $1M Fine for Spreading Fake Biden Robocall (

Would I kid u?



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Do You Have A Right To See Who Is Breaking Your Windshield With A Hammer?


The above subject ought to be a No Brainer but No Brainers appeared to have disappeared at the same time as Common Sense disappeared.

What am I talking about? I’m not sure but I’ll come up with something.


We used to have the right to face our accuser. That was before Mr. Anonymous raised his ugly head. He was quickly followed by the appearance of the likes of...

Ø According to a source close to the matter...

Ø According to a person familiar with the matter...

Ø People familiar with the matter said...

Ø One of those involved said...

Ø In a private text-message exchange about two weeks after election day...

Ø According to one document...

Ø Etc. Etc. Etc.


Now, long after The Lone Ranger (who never lived) died, we have Masks Everywhere...

Ø Persons of Interest walk into banks wearing masks. They are sometimes stopped by Security Guards who say, “You can’t walk into a bank with a mask on”.

Ø The indignant mask wearer says in reply, “Oh, yes, I can. Where have you been? Do you not watch TV? Every night thousands of Mask Wearers roam the country causing all kinds of mayhem and they are not stopped from roaming and mayheming”.

Ø “Who are you to say that I can’t come into your bank and take some money. After all I’m not going to take all your bank’s money. I’m only going to take a whole bunch of it”.

The befuddled Security Guard says...

Ø “You have a point there. Sorry I bothered you. Would you like a cup of coffee while you wait for your money?”.


It has gotten so bad that our Rulers are finding it necessary to pass laws to try and get this Nationwide Mass Mask Epidemic under some kind of control. You think I am making this up, don’t you? Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants, here is an actual news article headline I just stumbled across...

A New York County Passes Anti-Mask Bill To Prevent Anti-Israel Protesters From Shielding Identities 

This Blog Posting has now come full circle (yea, I know it took me a while).

Don’t for second think that Law and Order has won this battle. It ain’t over till the inevitable lawsuits are over. The lawsuits will be having their way with us for years to come.

Of course, the court actions will be accompanied by demonstrations outside the courthouses with all of the demonstrators shouting Jingle Chants somewhere along these lines, “We don’t have to ask! We got a right to mask!”


Fella’s Own Stupid Opinion Department...Police ought to make it a practice to rip off all masks they can get their hands on. This ought to send the mask wearers scurrying away into the night. Since they are not allowed to use their batons anymore, police need to have something to do with their hands while they are asking the Mostly Peaceful Demonstrators To Stop Setting Those Mostly Peaceful Fires.

Would I kid u?


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My Father Knew How To Speak Good English But Sometimes He Played With His English

When it came to education, my Father was a man of his times. He went to the 5th Grade in Grammar School. Then his Father said to him (as he did to all his children), “That’s enough of that. Time for you to get to work at working”. That probably meant, Get To Work In My Grocery Store!

So, what was it my Father said in Not Good English? He often said, “Don’t worry about nontin.” All these years later (he died in February of 1966) his tongue-in-cheek ditty would be coming into fruition for Corner Grocery Store Owners like him (if there were any corner grocery store owners like him still out there).

Here’s how it would work...

Ø He would go to his nearest print shop and have the above Warning Sign printed up.

Ø He would only need 1 sign.

Ø He would dig out 1 thumb tack and thumb it to the wall right inside his corner front door.

Ø He could then sit back and relax and not worry about nontin (yea, I know that’s a Bad English Double Negative).

That’s right, customers could be repeatedly bitten by his own dog or any other dog that happened to be in his little corner grocery store and he would not be liable because he had thumb tacked that little sign inside his little corner grocery store and now, he was worrying about nontin.

In Today’s Litigious Society there would be a fly in his ointment but not back in his day. Today he would need several more signs and several more thumb tacks. That’s because today he would have to tack up several more signs outside his store because he would certainly be sued by bitten customers who were approaching his store but were not actually in his store. It’s the Intent To Enter Provision.

In my Daddy’s day, if the Intent To Enter Provision were raised in a courtroom the Judge would certainly have said, “Get Out Of My Courtroom!”

Would I kid u?
