Wednesday, July 02, 2014

I’ve Uncovered The Reason Why We Are Seeing Such A Dramatic Increase In Handicapped People In The Good Ole USofA

Maybe I am envious that I can’t have a Handicapped Sticker for my car... Or am I?

I notice things around me. You ought to start noticing things around you. Life is more interesting, if you are a noticer.

I’ve noticed that many people who exit their just parked Handicapped Parking Spot Vehicles limp as they walk away from their cars. Here is where my ability to notice comes into play. For some formerly unknown reason the farther they get away from their cars the less they limp.

Not only am I a Noticer Person but I am also a Figure Outer Person and I have figured this one out...

It’s their cars that are making them limp!

You really ought not try to argue with what I am telling you. I have seen it with my own eyes many times.

If you still want to quibble with what I am telling you, don’t tell me. It would make me worry about your ability to see the obvious and I have enough to worry about as it is.

I’m still very concerned about citizens of San Francisco committing suicide by jumping off of tall ladders.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cars should be regulated by the FDA.