Saturday, November 17, 2018

One Call...That’s All!

According to the Wall Street Journal we now have a problem in the Good Ole USofA that we have not had in a long time...

The Labor Department reported roughly a million more job openings than unemployed Americans at the end of September. The unemployment rate is at a 49-year low of 3.7%.

Because of this severe shortage of Unemployed to fill Job Openings in the Good Ole USofA many companies are hiring sight unseen based on phone interviews alone. Sometimes this involves only a single phone call. There are even cases where the interview is entirely conducted by a Computer.


Allow me to paint a picture for your Mind’s Eye (whatever that is)...

Ø The Chairman of the Board and the Chief Operating Officer of a Major Mega Bucks International Corporation are seen standing in the lobby of their Palatial International Headquarters.

Ø They are staring intently at their newest employee on her first day on the job.

Ø It is evident that they are perplexed because many visitors are standing back at a distance shouting at the new employee as if they are afraid to get any closer to her.

Ø Their newest employee is smiling and going about her assigned duties but there are several things that are different about her when compared to employees who have held that same position in the past...
>She has several Tattoos on her head, neck and arms like a Snake across her forehead whose tail drifts down her nose and appears to disappear into her left nostril, a large Skull and Crossbones on her right cheek, a 4 inch long depiction of Red Human Lips on her Neck, several large Ants on her Left Cheek, Chinese Lettering on both arms that read a message (unknown to her) from the Tattoo Artist, “I can’t believe this jerk actually paid me to tattoo all this craziness all over her body”.
>Her Nose has a large Gold Ring hanging out of it.
>Her Lips have smaller Silver Rings piercing them in seven places.
>Her Ear Lobes are stretched and have Quarters inserted in them.


Since I had my Potted Plant Outfit on I got close enough to the perplexed Chairman to overhear him saying to the CEO, “I don’t want abandon our One Call Phone Hiring Initiative but maybe we should have put her into a position other than Company Receptionist?”  


At another location in the article a Transportation Company’s Vice President of Driver Employment said...

The Labor Shortage is so acute we have to be able to make an informed decision as quickly as possible.

I have been known to quibble. Allow me to quibble about this VP’s statement. I take issue with two words...“Informed Decision”...Or is it?


Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

I was young when I got my first tattoo. It's an old story...I was in the Navy and we had a port call in the Philippines and the night was crazy and the beer was cold. I didn't INTEND to get a tattoo but, when I woke up in the morning, there it was in all its glory a tough looking rat head smoking a cigar. Made sense as we were called the Recon Rats. I've gotten several more tattoos over the years, but never when I was drunk and never above my neckline or below my shirt sleeves because I figured that it might be tough to get an office job or something -- like a receptionist!! Never had the chance for that as I've had all kinds of jobs but never an office job. Thanks for the post, made me laugh.

Bob said...

Oh Smartfella, you really sucked me in with that blog headline 'One Call...That's All'. I thought that The Smartfella was going to Blog a lambaste at the myriad Accident Injury, Ambulance Chasing, Personal Injury TV shysters that populate the airwaves.

SmartFella? said...

I got this comment from a Dear Lawyer Reader. He jokingly says I owe Morris Bart for using his “One Call...That’s All” registered trademarked phrase... “Thanks: Hope you sent Morris Bart his check for using his registered mark. It is great news too bad the main media never cared enough to report it”.
To my Dear Lawyer Reader, if I owe Morris a check, there are a bunch of others that also owe him a check.
Click this link: (Copy and Paste Link, if it is not actually a link)

Ludwig said...

I have never been shy about my aversion to tattoos. I consider them an inappropriate "outspokenness". I prefer people to hold their tongue until it is their turn to speak.

However, you said that the vulgar looking receptionist was "smiling and going about her assigned duties". What more can you ask?

Anonymous said...

She was probably just an overzealous Sailor who got drunk and....well you know the rest!
But obviously on more than one occasion!🤡🤡🤡

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me. Ended up with a squirrel with a mermaid tail on my shoulder. I got so tired of having to explain that now I respond to questions with, “What tattoo?!?” And refuse to acknowledge that it’s there.