Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Money Each Month Is Breaking Me!

I’m a sucker for Emotional TV Appeals and the effect on my meager resources is sucking me dry.

We are all being bombarded by appeals to donate money every month for all kinds of TV Appeals That Are Very Hard to Turn Down.

Who can forget those Shivering and Malnourished dogs out in the cold that have had their coats scuffed up with wire brushes?

You know of which I speak. These ads ask us for only $11 or only $19 or only $25 a month to make everything all better for whomever/whatever the ads are appealing to us about.

For example, the $19/month ones pull at our heart strings (actually they pull at our wallets) by asking us how we can refuse to spend only .6333333333333333 cents a day to make it all better for whomever or whatever is suffering out there somewhere.

If the average American multiplies .6333333333333333 cents a day times the number of such appeals they see on TV, they are going to stop being able to afford braces on their children’s teeth and then we are going to see ads on TV appealing for $19/month for Shivering and Malnourished Orthodontists.


They do the same thing with Shivering and Malnourished Jews out in the deserts of Israel. (Silly me, I always thought deserts were hot.) Except for all those bombs bursting in air over them, I always thought Israel was doing OK but then the Shivering and Malnourished Jews Ads started and I was horrified. Those poor suffering people! They look like they are living in the South Side of Chicago.


I am not impugning all of these Shivering/Suffering Ads. This blog is simply warning my Dear Readers that they better resist the temptation to contribute to all of them or they run the risk one day becoming Shivering and Malnourished themselves.


Here is a partial listing of the Shivering and Malnourished Ads I jotted down while watching my TV over the last week or so...

Ø Dogs and Cats...Asks for our money for these poor creatures. The pictures they show are really hard to look at.

Ø Closing Gaps in Gap-Toothed People’s Gapped Teeth.

Ø Starving/Shivering Jews...It’s not the Israeli Government pleading for these poor souls. Actually it’s an American-Based Tax-Exempt Chicago-Based Group doing the pleading.

Ø St. Jude’s Hospital. This one got my donation more than once.

Ø Build homes for widows of soldiers that have been killed inaction.

Ø Removing tattoos from people who were stupid enough to get tattooed. Their tag line says, “Please help these Stupid Tattoo Covered People to no longer look like they were stupid enough to become Stupid Tattoo Covered People”.

Ø Wounded Warriors. This one makes me nervous about donating to it.

Ø Shriners Hospitals. This one has not gotten to me yet but I have to look away fast when it comes on.

I made up some of these...Or did I?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: The TV ad that really has bothered me over these many years is the one that blamed for all of those Forest Fires. I hardly ever go into the forest, but every time a Forest Fire breaks out, I am told I was the only one that could have prevented it.