Monday, December 09, 2019

It’s Discouraging. You Make An Irrefutable Statement and All Too Often There Is A “Yea But” Guy At The Ready To Refute The Irrefutable.

How many times do we see someone on your television make a perfectly logical statement of what could happen if some other action were taken and someone else will pop up and contradict them by saying something like, “I know of a time when that did not happen”.

Here are a few examples…
Ø Teenagers should not try to walk on that guard railing along the edge of the Grand Canyon.
>>>This is contradicted by someone saying that they once saw a teenager do that very thing and he did not fall over the edge.

Ø You better not throw that bomb into that crowd of people because when it explodes it will kill a lot of them.
>>>This is countered by someone saying that you can’t make that statement because the bomb might have a defective fuse and not explode.

Ø If you jump off that 9 story building, you will die.
>>>Here is where Mr. Smarty Pants steps in to ask, how can you say that with such an air of conviction? One time I was looking out of a 5th floor window of a 9 floor building when a guy who had jumped off of the roof passed my window and he was in good shape as he went by.

Many times the Logical Statement Maker will become flummoxed and abandon the logical point they were trying to make.

Politicians just live for these Gotcha Moments.

Logical Thinkers Everywhere, there is hope. I don’t mean our Illogical World will see your Irrefutable Logic and start agreeing with you. What I mean is there is always the slight change that Mr. Smarty Pants will get confused and on any particular day he will go looking for you where you did not go and you will be able to make your Perfectly Logical Statement and he will not be there to say, “Yea but…”.

Would I kid u?


Ludwig said...

"Irrefutable statement" is an oxymoron. Of course, there is no such thing, so stop trying to be irrefutable. It is like Sisyphus pushing his rock up the hill, or us trying to keep the yard clean of fallen leaves. So now I have made an irrefutable statement. There.

SmartFella? said...

accomplished, certain, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefragable, positive, sure, unanswerable, unarguable, unchallengeable, undeniable, unquestionable