Tuesday, October 02, 2018

On Behalf Of Foolishness...Or Is It?, I Sincerely Apologize To Each And Every One Of My Dear Readers!

I could have made each and every one of you Stinking Rich and I have let your Stinking Richness slip through my careless fingers.


There is no way I can get your Golden Opportunity back and I do I feel so very sorry about what I have done. I only hope you will find it in your collective hearts forgive me.


As so often happens, I got ahead of myself. Allow me to back up and tell you how you could have become Stinking Rich...

Ø I’m certain you remember my Shadowy Bulgarian Billionaire who has more money than he knows what to do with from 2 blogs ago.

Ø Several weeks ago he was feeling very generous about all his money (or he was drunk) and he made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse but I did when I told him, “Don’t bother me, Shadowy, I’m busy”.

Ø I let his offer go by the wayside because I was preoccupied trying to count the number of NFL Football Players who were kneeling, sitting, holding their clenched fists in the air, picking their noses, picking the next protesting player’s nose and/or in the locker room during the playing of our National Anthem before the game I was about to watch.


You, my dear readers, could have been the beneficiaries of his generosity (or his drunkenness), if only I had been paying attention!


I did it again. I neglected to tell you exactly what my Shadowy Bulgarian Billionaire’s offer was...

He Said He Would Pay Each Of You $.10 Every Time The Word “Kavanaugh” Was Spoken On Radio Or TV Or Written In Any Print Media Between The Day He Was Nominated For The Supreme Court And The Day He Came Up For A Vote In The U.S. Senate.

I know how sharp each of you are, therefore, I know none of you needs a calculator to know that by the time the vote is finally taken in the Senate each of you could be Stinking.


Would I kid u?
