Saturday, March 31, 2018

I Have Not Voted To Raise Your Taxes One Cent Since You Sent Me To Washington D.C. To Be Your Senator

Lying Without Anyone Noticing

In Europe people who think up new ways to tax are ahead of people who think up new ways to tax in the Good Ole USofA. Over in Europe forward thinking thinkers have instituted the Cow Flatulence Tax.


Denmark and Ireland were some of the first European countries to tax cattle owners. Each cow costs $18 in taxes in Ireland, while Denmark charges farmers $110 per cow.


The thinking of the Tax Passers in Europe is that this is what they have to do to save the planet...Or will it?


The “justification” for a Cow Flatulence Tax is that cows release Methane Gas which they contend is one of the Greenhouse Gases that Cause Climate Change.


The people who think of new ways to tax in the Good Ole USofA have been preoccupied with their successful efforts to change our terminology for taxing from “Taxes” to “Revenue Enhancements”. They have not gotten around to addressing Cow Flatulence Taxes as of yet.


At this point Congress is still denying that such a tax is something they will ever do in the Good Ole USofA. Denying that they will ever do something is Congress’ way of saying...Just You Wait.


The other day none other than Senator Snidley Whiplash himself pledged on the Senate Floor that he will never allow such a tax when he said, “I will never allow such an underhanded and unnecessary tax to be levied on the American Tax Payer”.


I happened to be in the Senate when he made this pledge. Actually I happened to be standing right behind him in my potted plant outfit when he made this pledge. From that vantage point I noticed that he had his hands crossed behind him and the first two fingers on both hands were crossed.


Immediately after making his pledge he left the Senate Floor. They always quickly leave the Senate Floor immediately after stating their position on anything for fear that they might hear what the opposition might have to say about what they had to say.


Many of these Senators have been in Congress so long that they are getting feeble and can’t get out of the Senate Chamber as fast as they once could. You can always tell which of them have been there for decades because they have their fingers in their ears as they do their best to escape that Hallowed Chamber.


I quickly changed into my Fly On The Wall Outfit and followed him to his office.


As soon as I grabbed the wall, I became aware that he was already laughing. I recorded what he said to his many aides on my very small fly-sized Smartphone. He said, “I did it again. I snookered the folks back home. I told the truth and lied at the same time and, as usual, they are certain to believe me. I can’t wait to tell Tip O’Neill (or whoever the current Speaker of the House is) at Happy Hour tonight about what I did. Of course, I’m not going to levy any ole Flatulence Tax on the tax payers. I’m going to levy it on the evil cattlemen who raise those evil cattle. If they choose to pass it on to the Tax Paying Folks Back Home, it won’t be my doing. They are going to keep voting for me until the evil cows come home. For a long time to come there are going to be birds pooping on my statues all over my home state, wherever that is.”


I wanted to go slap him on his face but people hardly ever notice Fly Slaps. It made me wish I had worn my Big Green Hulk Outfit but, when I do that, people notice me hanging there and hardly ever really open up and let out their true feelings.


Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: The Cow Flatulence Tax was passed about 9 years ago. In recent years the second shoe has dropped. They are now proposing (already passed?) a Red Meat Tax and it starts with a Beef Tax. Sounds like doubling up to Fella. Can the T-Bone Disposal Tax be far behind?




Thursday, March 29, 2018

The United Kingdom Takes The Bull By The Horns

Government Needs To Learn To Distinguish Fly Chit From Pepper

Since Britain voted to leave the European Union more than a year ago, Continental Europeans have mockingly said that the decision will result in Britain becoming an isolated and lonely island nation.


Britain, in fact, already has a serious problem with loneliness. Research has found more than 9,000,000 people in Britain often or always feel lonely.

Back On January 17th Prime Minister Theresa May Appointed a Minister for Loneliness

Britain’s Office for National Statistics will help to establish a method of measuring loneliness and a fund was set up to help the government and charities develop a wider strategy to identify opportunities to tackle the problem.


A retired nurse from Berkshire, in southwest England, said she started to feel lonely when her son moved abroad and she downsized to a smaller house in a different county. She said, “It was a financial decision to move and I didn’t really have it in me to start making new friends.”


Just how would the Minister for Loneliness address this lady’s issues?...

Ø The government could possibly pay to move the son back to where Mum lives.

Ø If he refused to move back, the Minister for Loneliness would certainly have to put him in jail until he agrees to return.

Ø Because of the concerns Mum had about finances, the government ought to pay to get her a bigger house.

Ø The government certainly should consider paying to move her back to her old county.

Ø The Minister for Loneliness would have to coordinate the moving of the son back to where his lonely Mum is living but the Ministry would have to make sure it waited until it was finally decided whether Mum was going to move back to her old county or just get her new government paid for bigger house in her new county before the government moved the son to where she is living because lack of coordination could result in him being moved to her new county after she had moved to her old county. (I just knew this was going to get complicated.)

Ø Because of the potential for confusion described in the above bullet, Theresa May will certainly have to appoint a Minister for Loneliness Rectification Coordination to handle these kinds of issues for the Ministry.

Ø Since she does not have it in her to make new friends, the Minister for Loneliness is preparing Regulatory Requirements for issuing Compulsory Loneliness Elimination Compliance Notifications (CLECN’s) to send to all Mum’s neighbors within a 3 block radius of her new home, wherever that new home ends up being located, requiring that they become friends with Mum.


The Fella’s Question of the Day...

Do Governments have to get involved in every aspect of their minion’s lives?


The Government’s Answer of the Day...

You betcha government does! If Government does not get involved in every aspect of their minion’s lives, who will?


From the Fella’s What’s Next? Department...

Ø Minister for Talking Too Much?

Ø Minister for Yawning at Inappropriate Times?

Ø Minister for Burping?


I shudder to think about it.


Would I kid u?


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Increase In Pedestrian Deaths. Self-Driving Cars Are The Problem...Or Are They?

I once blogged that, that if all Smartphones disappeared overnight, the Federal Government would have to spend billions teaching drivers to drive with both hands on the steering wheel. That was silly...Or was it?

That lady walking her bike across the street in Arizona was killed by a Self-Driving Car and some blame the Self-Driving Car.


Arizona has banned Uber from testing of Self-Driving Cars in the state.


If the technology of the Self-Driving Car should be able to detect a Jay-Walking Pedestrian in the shadows, the Fella agrees the Self-Driving Car should have detected her presence but he also says we ought not get carried away with blaming, attacking and “doing something” about Self-Driving Cars. The real problem is right in front of us...

Pedestrians and Cars Driven By Human Beings Are the Problem

Don’t get excited, allow me to develop my daring to blame walking people. First, some statistics...

1.   Pedestrians were victims of about 15% of traffic fatalities in 2017, with the roughly 6,000 pedestrian deaths representing a level not seen in 25 years.

2.   Regulators are reckoning with a sudden rise in traffic deaths that follows a decade long improvement in highway safety.

3.   Pedestrian fatalities rose 27% from 2007 to 2016.

4.   Drivers are dealing with increasing distractions in the cabin of their cars (“Dealing With”...Huh? Drivers are looking at their Smartphones!).

5.   Americans are putting more miles on their vehicles amid a strong economy and low gasoline prices.

6.   There is an increase in both the number of people walking and driving.

7.   More people are using Smartphones both while driving and walking (see #4 above).

8.   There is a rise in drugged driving.

9.   75% of pedestrian fatalities occurred after dark and more than 70% occurred in travel lanes away from intersections.

10.        Some are working on ways to alert pedestrians via an application that a Self-Driving Car is about to cross their path.
>“Some” ought to be working on an application to warn that driver with a Smartphone in hand is about to cross their path.


If your neck of the woods is the same as my neck of the woods, this is what is going on out in your woods...


Jay Walking

Ø The Fella believes the most important of all the key points made above was missed by 83.7% of you. (I made up the 83.7%. There is no factual basis for this percent.)

Ø The most important key point is in #9, “70% occurred in travel lanes away from intersections” ... in other words, they were Jay Walking.

Ø We are seeing a dramatic increase in Jay Walking where I live.

Ø For me it started a few years ago when I saw someone Jay Walking and I was surprised because it was a long time since I had seen a Jay Walker.

Ø Now I see them every day.

Ø The other day I saw a mother Jay Walking as she ran across a large busy street eating a sandwich with one hand and leading her 2 children with the other hand.

Ø She had one of her children by the hand but the other had gotten disconnected from his sister’s hand and was lagging behind.

Ø He probably let go because he was shocked that his mother would be so stupid as to run across such a heavily traveled street.

Ø As with many of these Jay Walking Dare Devils, this mother and her kids were within a few car lengths of a Crossing Lane at the end of the block complete with Walk/Don’t Walk Signals.


I said above that the Uber Car should have detected the lady pushing the bike but a car driven by an old-fashioned human being would probably not have been able to avert hitting her. As I said, she was Jay Walking, it was Night Time (10pm), she was In Shadows and she appeared in view Only a Moment Before She Was Hit. Click below to see for yourself...


Stop Signs

Ø My woodland friends pay little or no attention to Stop Signs.

Ø Many times I check my rear view mirror when I stop at a Stop Sign to make sure that I am not about to get rear-ended by the driver behind me because he does not expect me to be coming to a complete stop at a Stop Sign.

Ø I once stood back from the Stop Sign, which exits our subdivision onto a highway, and watched to see if the brake lights came on to confirm if they had even tapped the brakes. There was no tapping.

Ø I have been the lead car going onto this same highway in front of 4 other cars. When I pull out onto the highway, the 4 cars following me come right with me, bumper to bumper, as if they were making a turn on a NASCAR track.


Speed Limits

Ø Speed Limits are not completely ignored...Or are they?

Ø There are times I am passed by cars that are going so fast that I think my engine has quit and I have had to stop myself from opening the door and getting out to see what’s wrong with my car.


Yea, I know I’m old fashioned. Yea, I know I am behind the times. Yea, I know I am in danger of being the victim of road rage because I made an unexpected stop at Stop Sign or I’m only going 50 in a 45 MPH Speed Zone but I am the way I am.


Wish me luck.


Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: It has been estimated that if 90% of vehicles in the U.S. were Self-Driving Cars as many as 4.2 million accidents could be avoided, saving 21,700 lives and $450 billion in related costs. The way we make knee-jerk laws in the Good Ole USofA don’t be surprised if we see Foghorn Leghorn stand up in the Senate any day now and propose that we outlaw Self-Driving Cars because that lady was killed in Arizona by one of those Evil Self-Driving Cars.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

What Do You Mean I Am Going To Jail? What Did I Do Wrong? What Do You Mean You Are Not Going To Tell Me Why I’m Going To Jail?

If you are like Fella, you once were in fear and trepidation of ever breaking a Federal Law. After you finish with this Blog Posting (provided you read it), you will know that there is no need to be concerned about breaking Federal Laws because you probably break several of those suckers every day of your life and they have not come to get you yet and they probably will not come and get you...Or will they not?


The first part of this bit of foolishness will be a listing 10 of the umpteen Federal Laws citizens of the Good Ole USofA could be breaking every day without knowing that they have done anything “wrong”. (If the definition of the word “umpteen” is not, “More than you can count”, it ought to be.)


The list will be followed by a further listing of where you can find the actual words of the applicable laws. You can then read all you want in Agonizing Minute Detail. You don’t have to read much to come to the realization that you have read enough and you have better things to do today...At least I hope you have better things to do than keep reading this Agonizing Minutely Detailed List.


There once was a time when we were told, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”. Actually this is only part of that sentence. The whole sentence is, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse and we like it that way. Hold out your hands”...

1.           It is a federal crime for an egg company to let egg products come in contact with air from an unapproved source.

2.           It is a federal crime to sell tampons without saying how absorbent they are, unless they are vending machine tampons.

3.           It is a federal crime to keep more than 20 million detonators in a single storage magazine unless the ATF director says it's okay.

4.           It is a federal crime for someone who's licensed to have radioactive material to be expecting a package of radioactive material in a certain amount and not go pick it up right away.

5.           It is a federal crime to interfere with a tennis game being played in a park within the National Capital.

6.           It is a federal crime for a professional dog walker to walk dogs in San Francisco's Presidio without displaying their dog walker's badge.

7.           It is a federal crime to sell "egg noodles" that aren't ribbon-shaped.

8.           It is a federal crime to sell fireworks that someone might mistake for food.

9.           It is a federal crime to sell party poppers not labeled: "Hold in hand—jerk string".

10.         It is a federal crime to sell antiperspirant that "lasts all day" unless it reduces armpit sweat by 20% over 24 hours.


Are you holding out your hands?


As promised above, here is the Agonizing Minutely Detailed List...

Google the Numbered Gibberish in the beginning and you will be taken to the specific part of the law that is being made fun of by Fella. For example: In the first one below, copy and paste “21 USC §1037, §1041& 9 CFR §590.504(p)”. The “p” at the end is your final destination.


1.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

21 USC §1037, §1041 & 9 CFR §590.504(p) make it a federal crime for an egg company to let egg products come in contact with air from an unapproved source.


2.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

21 USC §§331, 352& 21 CFR §801.430(e), (g) and (h) make it a federal crime to sell tampons without saying how absorbent they are, unless they are vending machine tampons.


3.        A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

18 USC §842(j), §844(b) & 27 CFR §555.213(a) make it a federal crime to keep more than 20 million detonators in a single storage magazine unless the ATF director says it's okay.


4.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

42 USC §2273 & 10 CFR §20.1906(a) make it a federal crime for someone who's licensed to have radioactive material to be expecting a package of radioactive material in a certain amount and not go pick it up right away.


5.       A Crime a Day@CrimeADay

18 USC §1865 & 36 CFR §7.96(b)(3) make it a federal crime to interfere with a tennis game being played in a park within the National Capital Region.


6.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

16 USC §460bb, 36 CFR §1001.3 & 1002.6(b)(3) make it a federal crime for a professional dog walker to walk dogs in San Francisco's Presidio without displaying their dog walker's badge.


7.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

21 USC §§331, 333, 343(g) & 21 CFR §139.150(b) make it a federal crime to sell "egg noodles" that aren't ribbon-shaped.


8.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

15 U.S.C. §§1263, 1264(a) & 16 C.F.R. §1500.17(a)(8) make it a federal crime to sell fireworks that someone might mistake for food.


9.       A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

15 USC §1263(a), 1264(a) & 16 CFR §1500.14(b)(7)(xiii) make it a federal crime to sell party poppers not labeled: "Hold in hand—jerk string"


10.   A Crime a Day‏ @CrimeADay

21 USC §352, 333& 21 CFR §350.50(b)(3) make it a federal crime to sell antiperspirant that "lasts all day" unless it reduces armpit sweat by 20% over 24 hours.



This is one Blog Posting that, I’m sorry to say, really could go on forever.


I’m glad I stopped. I bet you are also glad I stopped.


Would I kid u?


Friday, March 23, 2018

It Must Be My Imagination

It seems to me that our 9% Approval Rated Congress faces the Threat of a Government Shutdown every weekend.


It Must Be My Imagination...Or is it?


Would I kid u?


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The People Who Run The Tennis Channel On TV Don’t Understand Tennis And That Has Me Worried

I flipped on my TV the other night and stumbled on to a match between Federer and Djokovic. That got my attention immediately because I know Djokovic has been hurt and has not been playing much.


At first, I thought Djokovic Is Back! I eventually figured out that I was watching the finals of the 2015 U.S. Open Tournament. Of course, I did not remember who won so I settled in hoping for Djokovic would win.


It was nip and tuck (whatever that means). I got into it. It was as exciting as if it was a live match...

Ø They were into the 3rd set when I turned it on.

Ø Djokovic had won the first 6-4.

Ø Federer had won the 2nd 7-5.

Ø Djokovic was in deep trouble and it looked as if he was not going to win the 3rd set but he did win it and he did it in spectacular fashion!

Ø If he would win the 4th, my guy would be the 2015 U.S. Open Champion all over again!

Ø Djokovic got ahead 5-2 and was serving for the set and the championship.

Ø If you know anything about tennis, you know those guys usually win their serve.

Ø I felt confident.

Ø Djokovic looked confident.

Ø Federer looked worried.

Ø Djokovic lost his serve!

Ø The game score was 5-3.

Ø Federer won his serve easily (those guys usually win their serve).

Ø The 4th set score was 5-4.

Ø Djokovic could still win the match if he could only hold his serve this time (those guys usually win their serve).


The Tennis Channel went to commercial break. When they came out of the break, the Tennis Channel voice in the background said that, due to time constraints, they were going to go right to the Closing Ceremony!


I jumped out of my chair and said to an empty room, “What! Who won?”!


As the Closing Ceremony got under way, I quickly figured out that Djokovic had won because he looked happier than Federer looked happy but I had questions...

Ø It must have gone more than that 1 game Djokovic was about to serve when they went to the Commercial Break.

Ø If they had Time Constraints it must have been more constraining than 1 single game because that not a lot of time to be constrained about.

Ø My mind raced to the possibilities...
>Djokovic must have lost that game.
>Federer must have won the 4th
>They must have gone into the 5th
>Heck, the 5th
set could have gone into a Tie Breaker.
>No, that’s not right because in Grand Slam Tournaments the 5th
and final set does not go into a Tie Breaker.
>They have to play it out.
> They have to win by 2 games.
>Golly gee, that 5th
set may have ended 27 games to 25 games.
>That must be it because that’s a lot of time that needed to be constrained about.
>They would not constrain time for one measly game!...Or would they?


I was in a tizzy because I had just missed the greatest ending to a match in the entire history of tennis so I could see the Closing Ceremony in its entirety!


You are thinking that, at this point, I just Googled to find out what the exact final game and set score was, and went to bed because it was very late by now but I did not do that. I kept waiting for one of those many people who were making those many speeches to mention what the exact final game and set score was but they did not. They just kept thanking all the wonderful people who made their wonderful tournament possible (the ball boys, the ball girls, the tournament director, the sponsor of the tournament, the loser for being such a great loser, the loser for being such a great champion up until tonight, the winner for winning, the chair umpire, the florist who put just the right flowers all around the beautiful stadium, the lines people, the hot dog vendors and last but not least etcetera, etcetera, etcetera). I started expecting to see the Late Yul Brynner standing in the background with the dignitaries eating a hot dog he had gotten from that wonderful hot dog vendor. clip_image002 


I thought the Closing Ceremony was never going to end. It must have taken 20 minutes.


They never did tell me the game score but, near the end of all of this ceremonying (yea, I know that’s not a word), I saw the stadium scoreboard in the background of one of the camera shots and I saw that the 4th set score was 6-4. This means they had skipped the excitement of that one final game to go to the All Important Closing Ceremony!


I know you are thinking back to the Subject of this Blog Posting and wondering why I said, “And That Has Me Worried”.


I like to watch tennis on TV. My fear is that, if the people who run the Tennis Channel don’t understand why I watch tennis broadcasts, they could take a lot of enjoyment out of my TV future tennis watching.


If they think that I tune in to see the Closing Ceremony and not the Tennis Match itself, am I going to hear these words come out of my TV the next time I pop my popcorn and settle in for The Big Match?...

“We at the Tennis Channel know why you tune in to the Tennis Channel. We know you really love to watch the Closing Ceremony. We always strive to bring to our watchers what our watchers want to watch. From now on we are going to skip the tennis match and take you right to the Closing Ceremony but, first a word from our sponsor, and when we come back, we will take you direct to Howard and the Closing Ceremony Live and In Color!


Would I kid u?


Monday, March 19, 2018

The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences Is In My Blog’s Spotlight Again Because The Academy Could Be Long Gone But We Might Not Know It For Long Time

Seat Fillers Could Obscure the Disappearance of the Awards Ceremony...

Ø The Academy uses Seat Fillers to sit in seats at the Awards Ceremony when there is not a Celebrity to sit in those seats.

Ø The result is the Theatre Looks Full when it is not really as full as it looks.


Why might the Awards Ceremony be going away?...

Ø It may get to the point where Celebrities lose interest in the Awards Ceremony and don’t show up knowing the Seat Fillers will fill in for them because...
> They have to go see their divorce lawyer.
>They just got a new batch of Medical Marijuana and they are anxious to stay home and smoke a bunch of it so they can cure anything that is wrong with them.
>Their latest Tattoo is itching and they just do not feel up to smiling non-stop for 6 hours.
> These phony people may get to the point where they don’t care about phony Awards Ceremonies anymore.


How Bad Might It Get?...

Ø It may get so bad that the Academy will have to hire enough Seat Fillers to fill up 90% of the seats...
>5% of the seats are filled by the Award Winners (the no-show situation has gotten so bad that the Academy had to start notifying the Winners ahead of time that they are Winners to get them to show up).
> 5% are smiling heads on a stick held over the empty seat by the Seat Filler or the Notified Winner sitting in the adjoining seat.


Look on the Bright Side...

Ø This is big theatre and all those formerly-unemployed-but-now-employed Seat Fillers will be enough to reduce the latest National Unemployment Rate by One Blip.

Ø This One Blip increase, ought to be enough to re-elect all those who will claim credit for the One Blip Increase (local Councilman, the Mayor, the State Representative for the district where the theatre is located, 2 State Senators, the Congressman for the district, the Governor of the state of California and, last but certainly not least, the President of the United States).

Ø All those Tuxedo Rentals for all those Seat Fillers will boost the local economy.

Ø All those Limousine Rentals for all those Seat Fillers will boost the local economy even further.


This Is a Sad State of Affairs (and these people are experts on affairs)...

Think about the caliber of stars from the past (Jimmy Stewart, Tyrone Power, Marlon Brando, Joan Crawford, John Wayne, Bette Davis, Doris Day, Alan Ladd, Laurence Olivier, Paul Newman, Henry Fonda, Frank Sinatra, Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Lucille Ball, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Sean Connery, Maureen O’Hara, Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, Carey Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Gary Cooper, Bob Hope, Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Cagney, etc).


Think about how today a movie star becomes a Celebrity after making one movie (or just by living with a Celebrity who made one movie) for which she is paid more money than Jimmie Stewart made in his entire career.


The final insult to our injury is when we hear Talking Heads discussing the fact that this particular Celebrity’s Strong Point is she knows how to take an Attention Getting Stand on the Red Carpet.


Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: Wow! Picked up several new List Members since the last Blog Posting, so I repeat...Analytics shows that a lot more people are reading my blog than are on my Notification List. This means that a whole bunch of people are disappointed after going to my blog only to find out that I did not publish that day because I do not publish every day. Avoid Disappointment by sending your email address to and I will add you to my There’s A New Blog Out There Notification List.
