Sunday, December 03, 2017

Ending Up In The Supreme Court Used To Mean Something

This is a quote from my newspaper of November 28, 2017…

“There is a very real possibility this could end up in the Supreme Court”

We have all seen this veiled threat possibility so many times that we don’t pay attention anymore. We find ourselves thinking, “So what? Everything ends up in the Supreme Court”.


Among my loyal readers there are many lawyers and many of those many lawyers just said to their collective selves, “That’s not true. The Supreme Court does not hear every case that is proposed to come before it!”


If that be the case, how come these three cases got to be argued before our Supreme Court?...

Ø The Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Case… This thorny issue tied the Court in knots for weeks and was never resolved. The Supreme Court wriggled out of it by referring the issue back to a Lower Court without specifying which Lower Court. The result is that the case has been floating out in Legal Never-Never Land for decades.

Ø The Days Of The Week Ought To Be Listed in Alphabetic Order Case… The proponents of this proposal are baffled that this one was not a slam dunk quick decision for the Court. It, however, proved to be anything but quick. They argued that FMSSTTW had a much better ring to it than SMTWTFS. They may have had a valid point…Or had they?

Ø The Get Rid of July As A Month Of The Year Case. This one has a very long and complicated background but I will do my best to lay it out for you in easy to understand language because I know you are all busy deciding which NFL Games not to watch today…
>July is named after Julius Caesar.
>It is rumored that he was unfaithful to his wife, and since it has only been 2,057 years since he did this to his wife, we can’t let this one slide.
>He killed a whole bunch of people, many of whom he had never even met.
>He was not a popular guy as evidenced by the fact that he was killed by a bunch of his friends.


Did I just hear a number of you say I was being silly throughout the entirety of this Blog Posting thus far? I counter that accusation with this irrefutable and undeniable fact… Our Judicial System has allowed many cases to come before it that were far Sillier than the three I referenced above but I did not bring them up for discussion because I did not want to make the Court look Foolish.


OK, I admit it. I made up the three case examples above…Or did I?


Would I kid u?
