Wednesday, September 13, 2017

4 New Things I Learned And 1 New Conclusion Drawn As A Result Of Our 28 Hour Irma Caused No Electricity Saga

Learned… Gravity still works when you lose Electricity. If you see Sir Isaac Newton around your neck of the woods, tell him we appreciate his setting up the Law of Gravity this way, otherwise we would not have been able to take Showers.


Learned… If I sit in front of a TV that does not light up because it does not have electricity while the Saints are playing on Monday Night Football, the Saints still lose.


Learned… The Force of Habit is very strong. During a 28 hour power outage, I stumbled into 112 rooms with a flashlight in hand but still flipped the light switch as I entered or exited.


Learned… Cell Phones still work. Thank Heaven! This means Facebook Obsessed America (not me) can keep up with all of its “friends” (the far greater majority of these “friends” they will never meet in their entire lives)…

Ø They can tell them they had a Peanut Butter Sandwich for lunch (Who the heck cares?).

Ø They can tell them they changed their Facebook Picture (Who the heck cares?).

Ø They can tell them they just dozed off while watching a Nuclear Hurricane Irma mess up Florida (Did I really just peck out Nuclear Hurricane?).


Don’t blame me for this Nuclear Exaggeration. I did not come up with it. The Mayor of Miami Beach coined that phrase. I expected to see a Mushroom Shaped Cloud sweep across Florida.


Concluded… I have now concluded that a large number of people that I used to disagree with are right about something I disagreed with them about. I speak of those who say that it is not fair that some of us have more than some of us. I now believe that, if I lose electricity, the electricity of everyone else in the Good Ole USofA who did not lose electricity should be cut off. It only fair!


Those of you who are still without power don’t know it yet but you have this Blog Posting to look forward to when you get your power back. That’s a good thing…Or is it?


Would I kid u?
