Sunday, July 30, 2017

Jimmy Olson To Perry White, “Which Headline Should I use?” Perry White To Jimmy Olson, “I’ve Told You A Thousand Times What Headline Configuration You Should Always Use! What’sTheMatterWithYou?”

Jimmy Olsen may be slow but you, my dear reader, are not…Or are you?


I’ll let you decide between the two headlines below. I have no doubt you will pick the one that CNN used…Or do I have doubt?


Headline #1:

MS-13 members: Trump makes the gang stronger.

Headline #2:

Nassau Police Official: We never ever ask immigration status of any victim or witness.


Can you guess which one CNN used? It’s Number 1, of course. Let’s let Perry White make it clear to you as he educates hapless Jimmy Olsen…

“Jimmy, we always want to lead with the dire outlook. The public needs to be kept on edge. We need them to worry. It’s good for the sale of our newspapers.”

MS-13 is awful. The major thrust of the article that started me on this tirade appears to be that the awful people in this gang are killing innocent people in very violent ways and are growing more powerful all the time.


Strangely enough, the article proposes that we should do nothing about them because doing something about them will make them stronger.


The thinking appears to be that, if we ignore them, they will continue to get more powerful and awful but they will get more powerful and awful at a slower pace.


You can read all about it or you can listen to the video. Whichever one you choose, you will see or hear this quote:

“I can say without any doubt ... we never, never ask any (immigration) status and we don't care, on victims and witnesses," said Detective Sgt. Michael Morino of Nassau County Police's gang investigation squad.”


Why is this not the Headline of this article? Why are we not telling Illegal Immigrants in the Headline (that’s all that many people read) that they should have no fear of deportation if they cooperate with the police?


Instead, we are told that everything is spiraling out of control and any attempt to do anything about it is hopeless because Witnesses and Victims are afraid to help the police protect them. It even implies they should be afraid of the police.


Since you may be thinking that I am kidding you, click on this link to the article and read all about it:


Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Starting at about 2:24 of the video there is shown a Crime Poster showing the faces of 18 MS-13 Members. This is good because they are letting the public know that it should be wary of these individuals who may harm them. Don’t get too excited about this “warning poster” because the faces of 18 MS-13 Members on the poster are smudged out so we can’t identify them. If you think I made this up, check the video out for yourself or just look at photo below.

MS-13 Smudges

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like a rerun of when we started to put our toe in the water with isis that fighting them caused more to join it to fight us. Maybe both use the same pr firm in New York. I believe that immigration is like all business/government groups that use numbers to feather their own nest. 106 in a day when there are thousands may be a start or just pissing in the wind. I do agree that the pr from us should be that if you are not yet a citizen and are a victim or witnesses to a crime you will not be asked your status by the police.