Monday, July 25, 2016

Are We Evil Because We Are Free?

I read recently an editorial page in one of our major newspapers that said we can’t go around imposing freedom on other countries.

I understand that we can’t go around the world and make people free at the point of a gun. We certainly cannot accomplish such a Herculean Task in the near future because Football Season is about to start.

OK, so we can’t Impose Freedom but are we not allowed to say anything at all about what we deem to be Wrong, Evil, Improper or Not Nice?...

Ø What if a country has always made it a practice to deport people with spaces between their front teeth? Are we allowed to even ask, “Why do you do that?”

Ø What if a country has a dictator that takes all of the taxes paid in his country and puts it into a Swiss Bank Account for his retirement? Are we allowed to point out that our rulers do not do this?...Or do they?

Ø What if a country’s dictator wants to take over Kazantzakis because it is so hard to spell? Are we allowed to point out that the emergence of Google makes Spelling Difficulty no longer a valid reason to conquer a country?

Why am I being so silly? I guess I just find it difficult to believe “imposing” and “freedom” are mentioned in the same sentence.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe you can impose freedom on any country but you can offer the country a chance for it. I read that our mistake in creating a vacuum of leadership by barring sadaam’s army from any part in the new regime and just sending them their paycheck. Our replacements had no knowledge of how to govern and we had train a new army that had no fellow former members to do it. I do think that the big o and his people have no interest in freedom in America much less in anyone having it somewhere else. America’s history and successes have no meaning to these people so no interest in teaching it or even preserving it. It is time for our country to see how others can be # 1 as our world position was based on our robbing these countries of whatever we wanted. Doesn’t matter if that is true or not or that 500,000 lives were lost in our civil war to end slavery and no other country has ever expended lives to bring an end to that. So I agree with your opinion as foolish as it may be.